Steps of Submittal registration materials for Authors
1. Please submit camera-ready version paper to paper submission system first
2. Click "Register now"
3. Tick your paper(s) then click "Calculate"
Ø 中国大陆作者,请在此步骤中提交电子版签字的责权申明文件至投稿系统
4. Click "Submit". At last, choose one payment method to pay registration fee.
u For domestic author, you can pay registration fee by wire transfer, the actual receipt bank account can be found on "registration" webpage of this website, please upload the payment receipt to paper submission system too.
u For author from foreign countries, please choose paypal to pay your registration fee, the account is, you also can choose register on-site, but you still need to register on paper submission system.
5. Important note: After you finish registration, please go back to paper submission system "Home page", then click "IEEE e-Copyright Form" to submit the IEEE e-Copyright form of your paper. You just have one opportunity to submit this form. |