Prof. Weixiao Meng

Keynote Speech Title: Seamless Global Air-based Wireless Communication Networks

Speaker's Bio:
Weixiao Meng(SM’10)received the B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 1990,1995, and 2000, respectively. From 1998 to 1999, he worked at NTT DoCoMo on adaptive array antenna and dynamic resource allocation for beyond 3G as a senior visiting researcher. He is now a full professor and the vice dean of the School of Electronics and Information Engineering of HIT. His research interests include broadband wireless communications, space-air-ground integrated networks and wireless localization technologies. He has published 4 books and over 260 papers on journals and international conferences. He is the Chair of IEEE Communications Society Harbin Chapter, a Fellow of the China Institute of Electronics, a senior member of the IEEE ComSoc and the China Institute of Communication. He has been an editorial board member for Wiley’s WCMC Journal from 2010 to 2017, an area editor for PHYCOM journal from 2014 to 2016, an editorial board for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials from 2014 to 2017 and IEEE Wireless Communications since 2015. He acted as leading TPC co-chair of ChinaCom2011 and ChinaCom2016, leading Services and Applications track co-chair of IEEE WCNC2013, Awards co-chair of IEEE ICC2015 and Wireless Networking Symposia co-Chair of IEEE Globecom2015, AHSN Symposia co-Chair of IEEE Globecom2018, leading Workshop co-Chair of IEEE ICC2019. In 2005 he was honored provincial excellent returnee and selected into New Century Excellent Talents (NCET) plan by Ministry of Education, China in 2008, and the Distinguished Academic Leadership of Harbin. He won Chapter of the Year Award, Asia Pacific Region Chapter Achievement Award and Member & Global Activities
Contribution Award in 2018.

Keynote Speech Abstract:
With the development of 5G, the space-air-ground integrated networks are expected to help the development of the sixth generation mobile communications. The Internet of Space (IoS) with dense Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites is the hotspot of contemporary research. However, a series of problems such as orbit, spectrum, cost, operation, maintenance and space trash caused by thousands of dense LEO satellites in the future cannot be avoided. Therefore, this presentation proposes an idea of seamless global air-based wireless communication networks based on civil aviation. Most LEO satellites will be replaced as communications access platforms by the aircrafts on the increasingly dense aircraft lines. Then the feasibility analysis about coverage is studied and the dead zone supplement methods are introduced. The main feature of this talk is to propose unware massive civil aircrafts, aiming to take the place of the traditional idea of priority to dense LEO satellites. It has the great innovation value for the development of the space-air-earth networks.