Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline:
July 20, 2018
Notification of Acceptance:
August 1, 2018
Registration Deadline:
August 5, 2018
Contact Information:
Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras


Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras

Sterea Hellas Institute of Technology, Dept. Automation, Hellas, Greece

Speaker’s bio:

Dimitrios A. Karras received his Diploma and M.Sc. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1985 and the Ph. Degree in Electrical Engineering, from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1995, with honours. From 1990 and up to 2004 he collaborated as visiting professor and researcher with several universities and research institutes in Greece. Since 2004, after his election, he has been with the Sterea Hellas Institute of Technology, Automation Dept., Greece as associate professor in Digital Systems and Signal Processing as well as with the Hellenic Open University, Dept. Informatics as a visiting professor in Communication Systems (the latter since 2002 and up to 2010). He has published more than 65 research refereed journal papers in various areas of intelligent systems, pattern recognition, image/signal processing and neural networks as well as in bioinformatics, communications and business modelling. He has published more than 180 research papers in International refereed scientific Conferences in the above fields. His research interests span the fields of intelligent systems, pattern recognition and neural networks, image and signal processing, image and signal systems, biomedical systems, communications, networking, security and management sciences/business intelligence. He has served as program committee member in many international conferences, as well as program chair and general chair in several international workshops and conferences in the fields of signal, image, communication and automation systems. He is, also, former editor in chief (2008-2016) of the International Journal in Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE), academic editor in the TWSJ, ISRN Communications and the Applied Mathematics Hindawi journals as well as associate editor in various scientific journals. He has been cited in more than 1808 research papers, his H/G-indices are 18/42 (Google Scholar) and his Erdos number is 5. His RG score is 30.70 ( Finally, he is a senior business consultant since the last ten years.

Dealing with Uncertainty in Complex Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems Computations: On the prospects of Interval Analysis in the Design of Complex Intelligent Control Systems.

Interval analysis is especially powerful in bounding the ranges offunctions while providing mathematically rigorous results. This capability is particularlywelcome in robust control, since a variety of analysis and design problems can be castin the evaluation of the range of functions over intervals. Interval analysis is known to be a unified approach to dealwith parametric systems. It is generally acceptedthat interval methods are superior to existingtechniques for parametric systems when the uncertainstructure is more complex than interval or affine linear. Many authors consider intervalsvery useful when dealing with interval or affineuncertain structures. The first goal of this lecture is to show the true value ofinterval methods in their application torobust control design, when uncertainty is usuallyvery complex.
Moreover, the general convergence results of interval methods allow us to obtain arbitrarily precise approximations without any stability assumptions. Such a property is very important is critically discussed within the framework of the invariance control problem regarding the synthesis of discrete-time nonlinear systems. This approach computes controlled invariant sets in a finite number of iterations and directly yields partitionbased invariance controllers using the information recorded during the computation, without requiring the subsystems to have common equilibrium points, in contrast with the relevant Lyapunov-based control methods. Recent advances regarding analysis and synthesis of such interval analysis based controllers are discussed within this plenary lecture.
However, the most important point and focus of this speech is to draw attention and discuss efficient application of interval analysis methodologies in neural computations towards the design of complex intelligent control systems in benchmark and realistic problems.